Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Topic: What's the point of a College Education?

My guess of most common words: college, education, my, opinion, school, job
Most frequent word: education 26, first content word: education
Deleting of the more frequent words changes the topic by: allows for a very vague theme that is clearly an argument on something but it is not possible to make on the argument's specific topic. The random historical references from the article make the word cloud's topic very confusing.
Words deleted: college, education, job
Changes made: colour, font, horizontal/vertical layout
Summary: The worldle is about some type of arguement or reasoning on educatuon which matches what I listed as the text's topic. My word-frequency hypotheses were for the most part correct although I did not account for the strong use of the word "different"  I was surprised by the words "different" and "something" appearing so often. Removing words made the cloud confusing because of the involvement of the words Boethius and philosopher.

Topic: My most recent blog

My guess of most common words: books, video, music, eminem, picture, painting
Most frequent word: examines 17 times, first content word: ken/dryden
Deleting of the more frequent words changes the topic by: Since the top is so vast and all the subtopics are very different the deletion of a few common words doesn't change much. The cloud still clearly shows some type of review on a variety of types of media and shows many different sources have been consulted although the true subjects of the research are hard to distinguish.
Words deleted: computer, mac, eminem, dryden
Changes made: colour, font, horizontal/vertical layout, custom colour template
Summary: According to the wordle the text is about a variety of pop culture references and medias. For the most part it matches with what I listed as the topic of the text.The world is neutral from a postive/negative perspective. Were your word-frequency hypotheses correct?  I wasn't very suprised by the words that appeared most frequently as I knew the general themes of my project. Word removal made form minimal changes do to the large variety of words and subjects.
Topic: George Orwell's 1984
My guess of most common words: winston, party, depression, newspeak, 
Most frequent word: party 98 times, first content word: winston
Words deleted: winston, newspeak, party
Deleting of the more frequent words changes the topic by: Since only a few words are fully specific to the topic, the words remaining in the cloud are very general and posses only minimal reference to the Orwell novel although there still remains a clear topic of war, peace and life in general.
Changes made: colour, font, horizontal/vertical layout, font size
Summary: According to the wordle this text is about George Orwell's classic novel.  Since I have read the novel it does match with what I listed as the topic of the text. The words suggest a negative overall theme which is constant with that of the book. Again, as I have read the book general words and themes didn`t suprise. Removing certain words changed the specific 1984 setting to a more common totalitarian state setting.

Topic: Steve Job's college speech
My guess of most common words: apple. job. success, college, life
Most frequent word: college 12 times, first content word: life
Words deleted: apple, imac, college, great
Deleting of the more frequent words changes the topic by: The wordcloud's subject is as a result slightly blurred. There is clearly a motivional theme but the source of inspiration at the identity of the speak is unclear.
Changes made: colour, font, horizontal/vertical layout, font size
Summary: This text is about some sort of motivating speech towards life goals and matches what I listed as a topic. The words suggest an overall postive theme and my most frenceqcy guesses were correct as I had skimmed the article before creating its cloud. Changes made the speakers role and occupation less clear.

Topic:   The Burden of Time. Frederick George Scott
My guess of most common words: poetry, nature, land, air
Most frequent word: life 8 times, first content word: mountains
Words deleted: one, mountains, life
Deleting of the more frequent words changes the topic by: In this wordcloud the deletion of key subjects had minimal interfence with the general idea of the word cloud. It is still able to identify the subject as something about nature and would be an usual assumption to assume writtent style is that of a poem.
Changes made: colour, font, horizontal/vertical layout
Summary: According to the wordle this text is a description of nature and its surrondings. It matches my pre topic list and suggest a postive, organic theme. I had read the poem before and was not suprised by its common words.Word deletion had minimal effect.

Topic: Montreal Canadiens Facebook Fan Page
My guess of most common words: montreal, canadiens, hockey, gametime, like, status
Most frequent word: Canadiens 27 times, first content word: feedback
Words deleted: montreal, canadiens,
Deleting of the more frequent words changes the topic by: The removal of words makes this word cloud both very general and very vague. It is cleary something invovlving a newer forum of social media but what its exact purpose is unknown.
Changes made: colour, font, horizontal/vertical layout, custom colour template
Summary According to the wordle, this text is about the Montreal Canadiens and their fans. The text is postive as the uses of words such as feedback and like are common. Changes made the cloud into a non specific social net work site.

Topic: The Second Coming performed by Juelz Santana
My guess of most common words: push, drive, goals, try, motivation
Most frequent word: try 16 times, first content word: victory
Changes made: colour, font, horizontal/vertical layout
Words deleted: huh, yup, try
Deleting of the more frequent words changes the topic by: By removing several small words the cloud's topic isn't significantly changed. It is still clearly an inspirational peice and involves some sort of overcoming of odds and completion of goals.
Summary: According to the wordle, this text is about motivation and goal setting which matches my themes as I have listed to the song many times previously. The text is postive and inspirtational and can still be seen even with the removal of certain words.

Topic: My essay on Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness
My guess of most common words: marlow, kurtz, congo, slave, belgian, book, natives, imperialism
Most frequent word: Marlow 141 time, first content word: darkness
Words deleted: Marlow, darkness, primary
Deleting of the more frequent words changes the topic by: Removing keywords changes the cloud from clearly being about the famous book Heart of Darkness to a more general theme of history an the the use of imperialism throughout history.
Changes made: colour, font, horizontal/vertical layout, font size

Summary: According to the wordle, this text is about the novel Heart of Darkness and matches my preselected topic. Does it match with what you listed as the topic of the text? The words imply a negative image of torture an slavery and the removal of words reduces the text to a general historical theme on imperialism.

1. Yes tag cloud's display differs from that of wordle as it displays only the more concentrated and more frequently used words.

2.  Tag crowd has a variety of different options that are not available on wordle and some that are. Both sites allow you to select the language that your text is displayed and make it easy to copy texts off different websites, but that is more or less where the similarities end. Wordle is more concerned on the visual side with options to change font, colour, horitzontal or vertical display amd custom colour templates. Tagcrowd is more focused on the systematic structure with options such as word frequencies, word range and groupings of similar words.

3. It would be nice if both sites could add the features not currently available on their own site but that are available on their competitors. As mentioned for wordle that would involve more options relating to the systematic groupings of words and common themes and for tag crowd it would include more visual options ask to how the text is presented.
4. A stoplist is a custom set of words designed by the author that will not be displayed in the word cloud. This allows for greater emphasis on specfic words, themes or ideas.

1 comment:

  1. Good job, Adam! I like your analysis of the wordles. When we work with some other text analysis tools next week, you'll get your wish for some of the features you suggested for Wordle.
